These pups come from long lines of hunting Labs .The puppies in this litter are from AKC Registered parents and can also be registered with the AKC. Dew claws have been removed. The Dam, Dukemaster Ruby Bear. Ruby comes from a long line of hunting labs. She is very sweet and smart. We have made her our family dog. She goes everywhere with us. The Sire, Wizard Rock. WIZARD is a 90 pound, classic looking Lab with a thick, waterproof coat. He has the wonderful, friendly demeanor that makes Labs a favorite with everyone. Wizard has an outstanding pedigree with 27 Field Champions and 11 National Field Champions in five generations! He comes from some of the top producing dogs in the country. He completed his Master Hunter title running in only 6 hunt tests. Wizard also has 9 Derby points including a Derby Win in Field Trials. He is fast, focused. These are great dogs for hunting or family settings. Available for take home on 9/27/17