Lucy was born in 2009. She is a Dalmatian/Black Lab mix. I adopted her from the Cache Humane Society when she was 8 months old. She is spayed and up to date on her shots. She is very healthy as I exercise her a lot. She has been my trail running/snow shoeing partner. She has a lot of stamina and energy. She would make a great on-leash running partner for someone. She has in the last year developed a bad habit of chasing deer which could get her or me or both in trouble where we live. As a result she has been on a leash and is well behaved on a leash. The issue that really makes the need for a new home is that she can climb my hog panel fence and escape our back yard where she lives and proceed to find deer to chase. She is very friendly and good tempered. She is good with kids, other dogs, and cats. She seems to have been born to an indoor life initially but I have kept her outside with a heated (when below zero) doghouse. Please call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx if you want to inquire about adopting Lucy.