These puppies have all the cards stacked in their favor to be excellent family dogs! There are five puppies in the litter, 3 males and 2 females. They will be ready to go to their new homes on Thursday, May 25th. $300 non-refundable deposit to hold your puppy! See more pictures and follow their progress on our instagram @xxxx or just cut and paste the following link: Their mother, Sunny, is a two-year-old purebred yellow lab. She is on the smaller side for a lab, pre-pregnancy weight was 50 lbs and she is 23 inches tall. Sunny is a sweet mellow dog. She is eager to please, loves snacks, naps, and snuggling. She is so great with kids and loves playing with other dogs. Her name fits her appearance and her personality perfectly. Finn is the poodle stud we used to get these beautiful puppies. He is very sweet, calm and a fast learner. He is a AKC registered red standard poodle. He is 41 lbs, 23 inches tall. His embark testing came back perfect, he cleared all diseases tested for and his heart and thyroid are clear as well. His OFA hips are excellent, and elbows are normal.