Puppies were Born on September 15. They are ready for their forever family Their mom is Lady ( 50 lbs. purebred yellow lab) she’s very smart and aims to please her people, and would play fetch all day long. Their dad is Bear Boy ( 48 lbs purebred standard poodle) he’s well mannered and very loyal. These furbabies are gorgeous, smart, and full of love! They have been bred to be low shedding. They will have first vaccinations, and scheduled deworming.They are amazing, versatile, quality family dogs! Held & loved daily by our children. They will come with a puppy care kit. It Includes-a folder of information (shot records, deworm dates, blanket and chew toy, that smells like parents and siblings, and a ziplock bag of the food they’ve been eating) Welcome to pick one out by FaceTime , videos or welcome to our home. Cost is $950. A $300 deposit (cash- app, venmo, or Zelle) will hold your puppy of choice.