Male and Female Kinkajou babies raised from home. Length of their body is about 1.5 feet and the tail is about 18 inches long. The tail is a great aid in traveling from one branch to another, as it helps to maintain the balance. Their diet consists of fruits, insects, and flowers. They are14 weeks old and still on bottle but we just relocated into a new apartment which don't permit us keep this pet-Kinkajou babies.They are very cute love playing with kids and other house pets. could be shipped if necessary where ever you might be. this Male and Female kinkajou babies shall come with free cage,toys,blankets,diapers and food remains too.They are easy to hand feed. of the above mentioned our kinkajou babies are also available now and ready for sale.will come with perfect vet papers and shots.they are also raised from adult domestic breeders.interested kinkajou lovers could possible get some kinkajou for their family companion.