Whatsap: xxxxxxxxxx G maill: Affectionpups40 The Cavalier is a sweet, gentle, and affectionate breed, very eager to please their human. They are friendly with strangers and with other animals, and they can do very well with children. They are smart and train easily, and Cavaliers excel in a number of canine sports including obedience, rally, and agility. Ideal for family or "empty nesters," the Cavalier King Charles spaniel is affectionate, and intelligent with endearing devotion. The spaniel is superb with children and a pleasurable companion.Generally speaking, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel doesn't bark a lot. They're docile nature makes such a behaviour uncharacteristic for these dogs. Given these dogs enjoy the company of others, they usually don't show any aggression or bark at new people or dogs.hey aren't too big, yet their body is sturdy. They will be about 12 to 13 inches when full-grown. This is the height from the feet to their shoulders. A full-grown Cavalier King Charles will be between 13 to 18 pounds. Afbeeldingsresultaat The Cavalier is a sweet, gentle, and affectionate breed, very eager to please their human. They are friendly with strangers and with other animals, and they can do very well with children. They are smart and train easily, and Cavaliers excel in a number of canine sports including obedience, rally, and agility.Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,Cavalier King Charles Spaniel near me,Cavalier King Charles Spaniel for sale,buy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel online,where to buy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel online,Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breeders,purebred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,akc registered Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,friendly Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy Whatsap: xxxxxxxxxx G maill: Affectionpups40