About Tahoe Great Danes: Lyla is a Mantel Dane who just turned three years old.She weighs in at 130 lbs. She has become the best mom we could have ever hoped for. She is so attentive to her puppies and cares for them all day. She is super friendly and very athletic. She loves to run and swim and lay on the couch.She enjoys taking walks and car rides. She plays well with others and her focus is devoted to her family Her lines are full American Dane. We breed these Danes together not only for their colors and perfect health but for their temperaments as they compliment each others personalities. Levi is Harlequin Dane, he weighs in about 150 LBS and is 18 months old. He is 50% Europian and 50% American. He is our biggest puppy of them all. He is so playful and eager to please all people he meets. He loves to swim, run and fetch. He is goofy and loves the outdoors. We breed these danes together not only for their colors and perfect health but for their temperments as they compliment each others personalities.