Elsa and Scooby welcomed a gorgeous litter of 12 on October 5th, 2023. Our males are $700 and females are $800. Our babies are raised in our home and handled daily by our family, including our 4 children ranging from age 4 to 16. They receive dewormer at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks. They are given any age appropriate vaccinations prior to leaving. This is momma Elsa’s final litter before retirement and this is also a repeat breeding with this pair. We were very happy to produce non-shedding puppies who found amazing forever homes! Elsa is a solid girl at around 65 pounds. Scooby is the same weight, but slightly more tall and slender. Both parents have amazing personalities and momma LOVES fetch. This litter will turn 8 weeks old on November 30th. Please contact me for additional information. We ask for a $200 nonrefundable, nontransferable deposit and signed contract upon commitment to adopt. We are happy to FaceTime or video chat. We reserve Sunday evenings for home visits. Included in these photos, you will find Sully, Raven, Cooper and Ellie who are full older siblings to this liter, just to give an idea of how their coats could turn out :)