Double Doodle puppies! Hi, our babies were born New Year's eve, our Mommy Abby gave birth to 9 healthy pups. We have 7 still available 2 light cream males, 3 dark cream males, and 2 dark cream females. The dark creams could turn to apricot in color, still to early to tell. Abby belongs to us she is a F1 golden doodle, and weighs approximately 65lbs. Jake the Daddy belongs to my sister, who lives next door, he is a F1 labradoodle, and weighs approximately 90lbs. So the puppies should be somewhere in between with females generally being smaller. Both Mommy, and Daddy have excellent temperments, and get along great with everyone. Our puppies are raised indoors with lots of love and attention❤ All puppies will have age appropriate shots, worming, and will go home with a puppy pack to help get you started. We are taking 200.00 non refundable deposits. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have☺