Rosei and Hercules had a litter of 11 puppies. I have 4 female puppies available and ready to go to their forever families. Puppies are 9 weeks old. Both parents are on site and live in the house with us. They are our family. Puppies are raised inside the house. Around small children and a cat. Rosei Is a retired service dog. The puppies have excellent personalities and temper. Puppies come with registered AKC papers a1 year health guarantee up-to-date on vaccines and deworming. Puppies have been checked out by a licensed veterinarian. They have had their dewclaws removed. For limited AKC $1600 for full AKC $1,800. I am allowing family’s to come to the house to meet the parents and take home their forever puppy. I will be giving a puppy package to make the transition easier for the puppies. If interested feel free to call or text me at (xxx) xxx-xxx9