Born 2-6-2023 Go home date is April 6th 2023 7 females 4 males Expected adult size between 50 and 90 pounds. Dad is a pure bred standard poodle and Mom is our Golden-Newfie-Poo. Both parents have great temperments. They love to play fetch and swim. Dad is a bird hunting dog. These pups are family friendly and very smart. Some pups will have wavy fur and shed, while others will have tight curls and be low to no shed. Both parents are health tested. Dad carries 1 copy of ALT. This means that 50% of pups may also carry 1 copy but will not be affected. Pups would have to inherit 1 copy from each parent to have any issues from ALT. Mom is clear and is a black abstract. Dad is a dark sable. Please check out our website for more details. We will be posting individual photos very soon to this listing. Pups will have 1st vaccines, be vet checked, dewormed and come woth a goodie bag. Asking $950 total xxxx Call or text Andrea (xxx)-xxx-xxxx Mom and Dad are pictured below.