Full bred German Shepherd puppy’s. Has first and second shots and dewormed. Great tempe..
Litter of 8 born 09/xx/xxxx. We have 4 purebred German shepherd puppies looking for their..
We have two Shepherd puppies left one male and one female. Our puppies are pure bred AKC ..
David is a 15 week old male. Born 3/20/19. AKC Registered has had all his shots and has b..
Female Born 4/21/19. Calm and very sweet. Has had all her shots and has been dewormed. Pa..
Born 4/21/19. Has had all shots and been dewormed. Parents are AKC Registered and are on ..
1 female and 3 males 13 weeks. Pure breed, AKC Registered. All shots and dewormed. Please..
Litter of 8 born 09/xx/xxxx. We have 4 purebred German shepherd puppies looking for their..
Purebred German Shepherd puppies born April the 16th 2017 be ready 7 to 8 weeks real lova..
Fve one svn five one eight four six six nine
Riley is a1 year old dog. Has grown up in..
Champion European bloodlines working class farm raised. Parents on site Both parents were..
3 months old beautiful playfalls lovable puppies Full of energy easy to train looking for..
Son cachorros amigable juguetones les gusta los nin̈os son muy fuertes..
Welcome to our new family of Corgis. Please get in touch now to get on our waitlist. Fluf..
I have two beautiful AKC Rottweiler males ready to go. They have been dewormed and are re..