3 months old beautiful playfalls lovable puppies Full of energy easy to train looking for..
We have two Shepherd puppies left one male and one female. Our puppies are pure bred AKC ..
AKC German Shepherd puppies blk/red German bloodline $900.00. Born 11/17/2018 2 females a..
Born December 1,2018 she is now 6 wks old. She weighs in at around 20 lbs. Little Dixie R..
Meet Baxter. He is a AKC registered, black and tan male German Shepherd Puppy. you can se..
We have two 9 weeks old male puppies. They are AKC registered, dewormed, and vaccinated. ..
We have two Shepherd puppies left one male and one female. Our puppies are pure bred AKC ..
German Shepherd puppies ready in time for Christmas! Mom is 85 lbs, silver tan & blac..
AKC German Shepherd puppies blk/red German bloodline $900.00. Born 11/17/2018 3 females a..
Beautiful and intelligent, Both parents on Site,
both OFA'd Good, puppies will be Vet ch..
We have 2 saddleback females &2 saddleback males for sale. They are 8 -9 wks old. The..
They are 11 weeks old 3 males one female $400 obo they are german line..
Daisy the mother is a playful sweet girl who has just had her 1st litter. She’s medium ....
We have 2 litters that will be ready by the 1st wk of November. Mom number 1 is Molly. Sh..
We have a solid black female & her sister who is also solid black except for tan on h..
hese puppies will come current on their shots and deworming and will have a health guaran..
4 Male Golden Retrievers in Bloomington, Indiana! They have papers, shots and have been d..
Text us at : xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information. Smart Purebred German Shepherd Puppies. S..
We have 2 available male and female German Shepherd puppies . Puppies are $400 and able t..
We have 3 litters of saddleback German Shepherd puppies. Two of the mothers are about 85 ..
Text us at : (xxx)-xxx-xxxx for more information. 11 weeks old German Shepherd looking
Sven is an adorable, cuddly King Charles Cavalier named after Sven the reindeer from the ..
AKC black/red German Shepherd male puppy German bloodline $900.00 2 males left. He had hi..
Saddlebacks, daddy is 125 lb medium coat dark tan & black saddleback Registered thru ..
We have 2 separate litters of AKC Registered puppies ready to go July 6-20, 2018, dependi..
3 white males,1 black female,and 1 white female. Dewormed and first shots. Mother and fat..
Beautiful Teddybear 2nd generation puppy born and raise in xxxx. Only 1 Handsome affectio..
Space Coast Pups! Discover our stunning Chinese Shar Pei puppies, each one a bundle of jo..
Cindy is a playful, spirited King Charles Cavalier who's name originates from Cindy Lou W..
Nick is a purebred King Charles Cavalier male named after the infamous Saint Nick for his..