I have a 12 week old male French Bulldog puppy that needs his forever home. Hes UTD on vaccinations so he’s been seen by a real vet at TCAP in Hurst. I have his vaccine records and rabies tag. He needs one more booster in 3 weeks and he’s good for the year. Hes currently 8 lbs. He’s full of energy and loves playing with everyone including kids and other pets. I’m rehoming him bc after the loss of my pug 7 years ago I felt ready for a new puppy. I researched Frenchies and there was allot of mention that they’re couch potato’s. Well maybe when they’re older but not as puppies. He’s not hyper or anything like that he’s just a typical energetic puppy which I should have realized wasn’t going to be the right fit for me at this point in my life. I love him though he’s the cutest funniest and most adorable thing. But I feel I need an older small dog and he needs a family or person who is basically ready to raise energetic little puppy. He’s shy at first but that a trick. He makes himself right at home pretty quickly. He’s really funny when he’s excited he bounces up and like he’s spring loaded to get you attention. Hes also just really good and friendly. He never bites just the normal puppy bites and hes not food agressive at all. You can put your hand in his dish whike hes eating or another dog can start eating out of his dish and he diesmt bite ir get agressive at all. He does like to snuggle and nap with me when he’s not playing or eating. He’s trained to go potty inside on the wee wee pads for now. I dont want to expose him to other dogs outside until he has his last parvo booster for his safety. I tried to post him on xxxx and they take his ad down everyday and I don’t know why and I don’t want him to wait so long to be with his forever family. Rehoming fee of $1000 exactly what I paid for him applies. I’m not trying to make any profit. He will come with his high grade dogfood a crate his chew toy and of course his vaccine records and rabies tag. I’m in Bedford Texas. This is the first time I’ve ever posted on here so I’m not really sure about delivery and shipping options. I guess I’ll figure as I go. Also his name is Louie right now. Of course you’re welcome to change it