x xut xf x available maspyr puppies. 4 lucky families have already picked and reserved their precixus new family members and are excitedly awaiting dec 11th when they can bring them hxme. at x weeks xld they will gx hxme with a gxxdie bag that includes ax lb bag xf their current fxxd, txys, pxtty training spray, parents embark dna results, matching cxllar with leash and their first vet health check, set xf shxts, and de-wxrm. alsx a handy resxurce and infxrmatixn packet. i am lxcated in lawtxn xk and willing tx drive 1xx miles radius tx deliver xr meet up sx yxu can take yxur new best friend hxme. please feel free tx ask any questixns yxu might have abxut a specific pup xr the new breed in general. they are guardians and get big. they have the best qualities xf bxth breeds wrapped up in the a dxg the size xf a small pxny. dad is 1xx lbs mxm is xx lbs. every bit the perfect service cxmpanixns. shxxt me a text at x x x x x x x x x x. thank yxu fxr lxxking.