text x x x x x x x x x x the english bulld0g has a sh0rt, sm00th, gl0ssy c0at which can be beige, m0ttled, brindle, 0r white. character: the english bulld0g is affecti0nate, unc0mplicated, gentle, intelligent, sensitive, and fearless. it is kn0wn f0r its l0yalty; its happy-g0-lucky attitude is in sharp c0ntrast t0 its s0ur face. english bulld0gs are happiest by their 0wner’s side and will misbehave if ign0red. english bulld0gs are active, alert, and playful, but n0t unduly b0ister0us. temperament: english bulld0gs enj0y mixing with 0ther d0gs and h0useh0ld pets. they are great with children, well behaved, adaptable, c0mf0rtable c0mpani0ns with an affecti0nate nature and even disp0siti0n. s0me english bulld0gs are cauti0us with strangers, but m0st are friendly t0 everyx. they are likely t0 dr00l 0r sn0re. care: when the english bulld0g is shedding, use a rubber brush t0 rem0ve dead hairs. a special l0ti0n will 0ccasi0nally need t0 be applied t0 the facial and tail f0lds t0 keep them clean; s0ft t00th brushing with an appr0ved t00thpaste is als0 rec0mmended. the english bulld0g has a lifespan 0f x-xx years. due t0 its facial features, it is susceptible t0 breathing pr0blems and skin infecti0ns, and many are delivered via caesarean secti0n due t0 their large heads. m0st english bulld0gs cann0t swim and are averse t0 h0t weather. training: c0nsistency is imp0rtant, but the english bulld0g is highly sensitive t0 the tx 0f its handler's v0ice, making training a fairly simple pr0cess. it is inquisitive and quick t0 learn simple tasks, yet unpredictable as it is a bit stubb0rn 0n 0ccasi0n. activity: the exercise needs 0f the english bulld0g are unc0mplicated. it will adapt itself t0 the activity level 0f y0ur family. sufficient rest is key t0 devel0pment 0f healthy bxs, muscles, and j0ints—d0 n0t expect y0ur english bulld0g t0 run l0ng distances 0r jump d0wn fr0m tall ledges. english bulld0gs are well suited t0 apartment life.