Purebred AKC Male Coton de Tulear Puppy Bently Coton de Tulear are the dogs of Royalty from Madagascar. Bred for their intelligence and companionship they are long lived at 18 years and have no breed health issues. Loyalty and friendly disposition make them the ultimate small dog breed. Did I mention they are hypoallergenic? Bently is raised underfoot and well socialized. He loves cats and is paper trained. This boy was born on 1-7-25. He has his AKC Registration and his Family Pedigree History along with a Florida Health Certificate and all his shots. A deposit of $200 will hold your puppy and be subtracted from his cost. I live centrally in Orlando Florida. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx or email me at xxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx I am unable to load pictures of the puppy. Email me and I will send them to you.