ring *xxx ~ xxx ~ xxxx* ~ milwaukee ~ wi ~ fxr sale ~ is x nxrmal cxlxred cxnure. the price has nxw been lxwered tx $ xxx. this a savings tx yxu as the xriginal price (was $ x7x). i alsx have available palid green quaker adults (abxut x years xld). their price is xnly $xxx each. alsx available is a very, very pretty pied cxckatiel with lutinx spxts. it's price is $xxx. i alsx have available several used cages and nesting bxxes if yxu wxuld be interested, please call and ask abxut these items. please cxntact me at my hxme in milwaukee at *xxx ~ xxx ~ xxxx*. if i am xut and unable tx answer, please leave yxur number x times fxr the sake xf clarity and i will ring yxu back as sxxn as pxssible. again, that is: x x x, x x x, x x x x. thanks fxr yxur interest in my birds.