Breed (Nickname): Chi-Chi (Little Pony) Gender: Male Puppy's Birth: 23APR23 Description: Absolutely gorgeous pup with in perfect health and an underdeveloped ear. Presents golden-brown hair on his head that runs down his back to the tip of his tail. He also has golden brown hair on his legs. His body is mostly hairless with a contrasting brown skin tone. A magnificent short, sturdy, and muscular body. Weight: DD/MMM/YY – Potty Training: Pads and Doggy Door Feeding: Victor Hi-Pro Plus Vaccinations: 21MAY23, NeoPar, Parvovirus Vaccine Modified Live Virus 10SEP23, Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv, Canine Distemper-Adenovirus Type 2-Parainfulenze-Parvovirus Vaccine Modified Live Virus: 09NOV23, Nobivac Intro-Trac, Canine Adenovirus Type 2-Parainfluenza-Bordetella Bronchiseptica Vaccine Modified Life Virus: 09NOV23, Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv, Canine Distemper-Adenovirus Type 2-Parainfulenze-Parvovirus Vaccine Modified Live Virus: Availability: Immediate Pick-up in Southern Pines, NC Price: $ 200.00, cash Mother (Breed): Blondie (Chi-Chi) Father (Breed): Rhedd Butler (Chi-Chi)