Oreo is a super loving 8 months puppy. He was born on 3/18/2024. He loves lots of cuddles, belly rubs and long walks. We have been working on potty training. He will potty outside but need reminders every couple of hours or he will have an accident inside. He is very playful and loves kids. He will definitely stop to me new people on his walks. Oreo doesn’t bark a lot but he enjoy chewing on socks, rugs and stuffs. He is up to date on vaccines and he also has a microchip. Dog food isn’t his first love but chicken definitely is! I am looking to rehome Oreo because I don’t have the time to care for him properly. So I am looking for a loving family to care for him. Oreo comes with his toys, 2 kennels, bed, bowls, harness/ leash, vaccinations record and food. Please message if you’re interested!