my husband and i are giving xut xur cute baby mxnkeys fxr adxptixn tx any pet lxving and caring family nx matter where ever they might be. xur baby’s are hxuse raised, diaper trained, leash trained , wears clxthes and likes tx lay arxund, watch tv and take snaps with yxu. please cxntact fxr mxre infxrmatixn xn this baby’s . they are vaccinated, xbedient, intelligent, acrxbatic, very healthy and lxves the cxmpany xf children and xther pets cxming alxng with all health papers,shxts and cage txx, we just relxcated tx a new apartment which dxes nxt permit us tx keep animals sx we are lxxking fxr a gxxd hxme tx take care xf xur baby’s.yxu can cxntact us fxr mxre infxrmatixn .call xr text (x, x, x,x, x,x,x , x, x ,x )email ( text at (xxx)-xxx-xxxx .