Hello everyone! Meet Mikasa! She was born March 19, 2022. She is a Full Blooded Cane Corso. Both her parents are registered and have pedigrees. Mikasa truly is a sweet heart who love and I mean love playing with toy. Her relationship with our other 3 dogs are great. Sometimes she drive them crazy because she a ball of energy and they are much older but they all get along. She is kennel broke and sleeps in there every night. She volunteeres with a sight of a treat!! She is almost house broke too. She will scratch on the door to go out for the most part. But sometimes we won't hear it and she'll pee in front of the door but it gets better by the day. She knows to go out every morning when I get her out of the kennel. As far as kids, she love to give kisses and if you have a toy in Your hand she will be your bestie!! Also she love to play tug of war with the kids or our other dogs!! I own the male parent and a friend of mine owns the female parent! He weighs around 145-150 and the females is around 115-120. There was only 2 pups In this litter. My friend kept the male pup and I have the female. If you are lucky enough for have a forever home for Mikasa you wont regret. We probably will more than. You because we've really fell in love with her!!! Thanks for stopping by!! Have a great day! Francisco