Shipping is $650 please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information. We have the best basenjis..
Our sweet amazing Goldendoodle had an unexpected litter with another golden doodle who co..
Ready to find new homes 7+ weeks old. 3 males 2 females. Has 1st shot parents are our pet..
14-week-old AKC-registered French Bulldog puppies are looking for loving homes! We have 2..
7 week old boxer puppies for sale to a good loving home. Tails are do led a first set of ..
6-month old female boxer puppy, named Fiona, for sale. Highly energetic, playful, house t..
Pure bred boxer puppies for sale in Laredo Texas. Great gift for Christmas. Looking for a..
Puppies are ready to go home today. Have tails docked and first round of shots..
Ready to find new homes 7+ weeks old. 3 males 2 females. Has 1st shot parents are our pet..
If anyone is looking for puppies for Christmas, we will have 6 available (4 girls, 2 boys..
His a good dog hos great with kids his home broken my brother cant have him his moving i ..
Draco is a boxer-pitbull mix! He can chill with you, play, and he is potty trained. He lo..
He is 9 weeks old and is Husky/Pitbull mix. He needs a good home! The reasons he is so ch..
Puppies are ABKC registered, up-to-date on shots, and reasonably priced. Financing is ava..
11 Month old Brindle Boxer. Pictures are a few months old...
Dad is brindle and mom is fawn her pups will be due January 2020 would anyone be interest..
MALE boxer pup for sale 3mnth.. kennel trained.. will come with food,toys,bed and kennel...
Shes such an amazing pup she is 3 months born july 19 2019 really need a good home for he..
Awesome male black and white. We have the best Basenjis. Call for all references and base..
Full blood boxer really sweet comes with igloo dog house and toxs..
AKC registered purebred boxers. 8 week so 1st round of shots waiting to go to new loving ..
Full breed boxer pups have their first shots and shot records , tails docked call xxxxxxx..
Male & Female Boxer Pups 4 Sale. 3 months of age. Very playful & adore playing wi..
Razor Edge Gotti / Tri / Lilac / XL & Pocket : Cropped ears : House broken & Trai..
I have two beautiful boxers left one male brindle white white markings and one dark brind..
Selling boxer husky mix puppies they’re six weeks 4 boys and 4 girls..
Boxer Pups - white on stomach, some have white around nose area, some have black around n..
Boxer Puppies. 5 not spoken for. All have tails docked, wormed and first shots. Born 6/12..
She is so sweet. Wants to be with you. Shipping is 650. Call for more information..
I am selling Mini American Shepard puppies. They were born on October 22nd and their eyes..
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Beautiful and loving French Bulldog puppies looking for our..
Location xxxx Born 7/2/24 1 female red 1 male blk and tan Both puppies are s..