Borzoi puppies born January 2, 2025. This is a circle of life. The pedigree has multiple national and international champions, but we do adopt ours out as pets with no show contract. A happy and responsible home is most important. Parents and pedigree lines are xxxx. We found over the years that the European Borzoi were more carefully bred than those in the USA. We have shown and lure coursed, done obedience and rally, and have adopters that have done agility. This is the first Borzoi litter in a decade and a half because we became a rescue, specifically of Greyhounds. We decided on one more litter so we could bring our old breeding program around full circle, from our foundation from xxxx to imports from many countries. Puppies come with or without registration and adopters pay for transport. The picture of the sire is when he was a pup himself. He broke his growth plate at 8 months and so could not be shown or fast catted, although his pedigree has many champions. If you go to facebook and search BORZOI PEDIGREE, you'll start seeing a pictorial pedigree of the pups and their ancestors. The brindle pups are $1000 the white and red are $1500 each.