8 weeks old / puppy shots and paperwork
4 females 3 males
Mom and dad on site both regi..
Brindi and Winston had 5 beautiful, healthy little girls that we are now accepting deposi..
We have a litter of 5 Cavalier puppies that are ready for their new homes. They are lovea..
Female Registered Mini Australian Shepard. Blue Merle born November 9th. First round pupp..
Border Collie Puppies Blue Merle Border Collie pupExcellent Collie Puppies Now availableI..
We have a litter of 5 Cavalier puppies that are ready for their new homes. They are lovea..
Hello we currently have one male and female left. They are 12 weeks old, up to date and A..
Dotti and Oliver had 3 absolute beautiful little ones. There is 2 boys and 1 little girl...
Claudia and Lucky have 2 amazing little girls that are now ready for their forever homes...
14-week-old AKC-registered French Bulldog puppies are looking for loving homes! We have 2..
Meet our dazzling duo!
✨ The Cocoa Queen ✨
This breathtaking cocoa female is pure..
Red Heeler mom and AKC registered Corgi dad about 7weeks old. Winged off mom, healthy, en..
ICCF/UKC (full rights) cane corso puppies available for new homes Feb 1st. Taking deposit..