Are you older and indeed of a little fellow that reminds you of someone you lost? Well you are in luck. Pig Snort is the best spouse substitute out there. She will talk your ear off, will only enjoy touch on her terms and is all around weird. That being said she will grow to love you if you show her she can trust you and if you feed her. This little piggy needs a place she can run around and be playful since she is still young. She is used to being let outside, so if you gradually introduce her to the backyard she will appreciate you more. She comes to the sounds of snaps and taps along with her name (Piggy, PigPig). If ever you need someone to talk to she's your gal. She fills all silences, like all of them. She is potty trained but will need a refresher at her new home. She has been fixed. Also please note, Piggy shows her affection through love nibbles. She may love too hard but she doesn't mean any harm by it. This is a very unique cat and one that will be hard to let go of. Contact me through email ( or text to schedule a meeting.