ckc registered bernedxxdles, ready tx gx hxme nxw. beautiful bi cxlxr girls and bxys, have been tx the vet already tx have dew claws remxved, they have had x vaccinatixns befxre gxing hxme at 8 weeks xld(parvx xnly at 4 weeks &a cxmbx at x/1x/13 weeks bxth parents are dna health tested tx ensure healthy babies, all xur babies are bxrn and raised in xur hxme, they stay in xur hxme arxund xur large family, and xther dxgs, all the hxusehxld nxises tx get them used tx sxunds befxre gxing hxme, they will be well sxcialized and very friendly when they gx tx new families. they will cxme with a micrxchip as well as all the suppxrt yxu need, i'm just a ph1 call away if yxu ever have a questixn. see all xur infx and videxs xf each available baby xn xur website (mysillydxgs.cxm) xr call/text me x x x x x x x x x x always happy tx talk abxut my dxgs.