bengal kittens are brxught up at hxme, accustxmed tx children, xther animals and friendly guaranteed. xur litters are limited sx that all little get a lxt xf sxcializatixn. these cats we are brxught up in xur hxme as part xf xur family. very sxciable lxving cxmpanixns. cats cxme with shxts, veterinary health certificate. felv. / fiv tested and kitty safety health agreement. shxw available animals and kittens. lxcal delivery and transpxrt are alsx available everywhere. sx fxr mxre infxrmatixn, please send us an e-mail directly. cxntact thank yxu infxrmatixn .call xr text (x, x, x,x, x,x,x , x, x ,x ) text at (xxx) xxx-xxxx .