1 females and 5 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poo..
8 week old AKC registered Siberian Husky female puppy...
I am selling Mini American Shepard puppies. They were born on October 22nd and their eyes..
Puppies are 8 weeks dewormed, first set of shots , very loveable and playful ready to spe..
Fully vaccinated, AKC registered and DNA health tested puppies available ready to go to t..
Beagle pups mom is proven blood tracker white chocolate and red dad is a akc registered l..
I have 3 males and 2 female 7 week old beagle puppies
Their mother Daisy is a rare blu..
Born March 12, up on vaccines...very loving puppies full blood beagles..
I am selling Mini American Shepard puppies. They were born on October 22nd and their eyes..
Black and white beagle puppy female
12 weeks old. Very sweet and loving but not suitabl..
I have a litter of beagle pups born Nov 28 2020. Their parents are both 12 inch. Female w..
She loves to play with other dogs she comes with puppy food, puppy perfume, the little sw..
Trying to find a good home for him, just don’t have the time to raise him at the moment..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
I have one male beagle puppy ready to go to his furevvverrr home ❤️ I will be asking ..
Beagle mix puppy looking for a loving home. He is about 5 months and about 15lbs. He is v..
Max is the last of his litter that hasn’t found his forever home. He is extremely playf..
10 week old male beagle puppy, good with my other pets(kittens), very sweet, is about 80%..
Puppies available for their forever homes the week of Christmas!!! Pure bred chows sweet ..
AKC registered Beagle. 7 weeks old, All black coat with brown face & white tail...
Breed: Sharp Eagle, Beagle mix with Shar Pei
8 weeks old..
We got our loving dog 3 months ago. We named her Mallory. Our first pet since 7 years ago..
She loves to play and have fun, along with eating. She needs a good loving home. Serious ..
Great Dane puppies ready to go Christmas Eve! We have fawns and blue fawns, males and fem..
They are 3 months old really playful and love kids up to date on shots and everything fee..
I female and 3 males left. Can't be registered because Mom is a 13" AKC and dad is a 15" ..
My puppy name is Ruby and she is 4 months old. She is brown,white and black and she's ver..
Female Beagle
6/7 weeks
House Trained
Loves To Cuddle And Play
Super Calm..
CKC Registered Bassett Hound Puppies---Available for Adoption---Christmas/New Years ..
7 puppies, 4 males &3 females . Ready to go. Will make great Christmas presents. We a..
I have a solid white/cream girl $2400 and a black n tan boy $1500. Puppies leave with ful..
just born cane Corso puppies whit champ blood line pedigree parents excellent is obedienc..