Will be 6 weeks December 20th, red and blue merles males and females $700 blk and red tri..
My dogs had an unexpected litter ,i have 3 16weeks girls who need a wonderful home..
Gorgeous Chocolate Shih Tzu baby boy for adoption. Pee pad trained, comes with a1 yr heal..
Beautiful Liver Shih Tzu baby boy for adoption. He is pee pad trained, he also comes with..
I have several pictures of previous litters as puppies and grown adults. All of my dogs a..
excellent and mind blowing australian shepherd puppies to give it out for xxxx.xx cute au..
Gorgeous Chocolate Shih Tzu baby boy for adoption. Pee pad trained, comes with a1 yr heal..
Double Doodles. Great for families and children . Hypoallergenic, fun and loving puppies...
Beautiful puppies German shepherd for gift
It's so adorable please text me xxxxxxxxxx at..
We have 3 male akc registered puppies ready for their forever home.We are a breeder of 30..
formentino bloodline one month old. they are AKC but I am offering without Akc for less m..
Boba and Shades had a liter. 4 boys, 2 girls. Ranging from $3k-$6k. All colors seen in pi..
Ready in time for Xmas. Beautiful pups with personality. Registered AKC and ICCF. Parents..
Puppies available for their forever homes the week of Christmas!!! Pure bred chows sweet ..