Meet Arlo, he is an adorable 11lb 3 month old mini golden doodle! And he is looking for h..
Only these 4 left 3 MALES 1 FEMALE
12 weeks ready waiting on yo..
I have 6 grown dogs needing homes 4 to 6 years old. Tex or call anytime if interested...
Born on Jan 4th, we have 6 puppies, 4 females, 2 males, will be vet checked and dewormed,..
1 year old pit bull puppy for sale. Needs a good home and a lovable owner. Needs space to..
Send jacsti1 a message
I have 3 girls and 2 boys they were born Oct 20,2022 they are ..
Poochie is her name she weighs 5 lb/ 2.27 kgs she's kid friendly she loves car rides and ..
2 Beautiful 7 month old pitties
Very friendly and energetic
Shots up to date
House tr..
I have 6 grown dogs needing homes 4 to 6 years old. Tex or call anytime if interested...
Mother is American Staffordshire & Beagle mixed, Father is Pit Terrier. 5 females 2 m..
Blue American Staffordshire Puppies. Please reach out for more information and updated in..
Gray/white adorable American Staffordshire terrier. Loving, loyal and very playful. Pups ..
I am currently charging 600 for the males and 700 for the females. This price includes th..
Shichon AKA Teddy Bears
Pilot Hill Teddy Bear Puppies
Beautiful American Staffordshire/ Mix puppies awaiting to find their forever homes! 4 Han..
I have 7 pitbull puppies that need to find their furever homes! They have been dewormed a..
They are 6 weeks old ready for a good home they are located in Columbus ohio..
Mom is rednose
Dad is american bully xl
Males $350
Have first shots and dewormed
8 w..
Grizzy was brought here by our daughter. We are elderly and cant have this responsibility..
I have three female blue pit puppies. Born xx-xx-xxxx. They have had their first round of..
American Staffordshire Puppies ready to go to new homes now For more information text xxx..
American Staffordshire Puppies ready to go to new homes now for more information text xxx..
9 week old . 1st Shots and worming done . Very loving and playful. Doing well on house tr..
⚠️‼️Formentino, Fawn & Blue. Very well taken care of sire, dam and pups come ..
She’s got her 6-1 shot, doesn’t shed, 5 weeks! It’s a girl. I also include dog food..
Puppies are 11 weeks old and ready to go to their forever homes. 2 female, 5 male. All ar..
Last puppy that needs a home
Full blooded red nose pitbull
Located Marietta ohio ..
Nyla is highly active loving with great temperament. A loyal watch dog for sure. Has vacc..
French bulldog puppy female blue color with blue eyes..
CKC Purebred Standard Poodles born 11/14/24, dam is black and sire is Merle, both are 40 ..
4 males and 4 females. Ready to go!
Dewclaws removed, dewormed, and first shots.
Mom is..
Puppies are 8 weeks dewormed, first set of shots , very loveable and playful ready to spe..