A litter of gorgeous XL Bully pit bull puppies were born January 6th, 2016. In total there are 12 puppies, of which only 6 are left. They will be ready and available for sale at 3 months. The sire of these colossal puppies is Red Lion who weighs 134lbs and the dam is Red Inferno who weighs 95lbs. Information regarding the purchase of these beautiful pups is available on our website. (Chimera XL Bullies. com) Please email or call us for any other information. These puppies are being held according to reservation in combination with a deposit amount for rehoming or adoption. These are not regular sized pit bulls. They are bred for their large size and even temperment. Fees go from $3,500 through $7,500 depending upon your pick. They are 6 weeks and 2 days as seen within these photos. Oh yeah that's dad and mom in the last 2 photos! Please call/ text Talia at show contact info for any more information or check out the website at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx or our facebook xxxx Instagram xxxx or twitter account xxxx Thanks https://m.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxx/