! large male puppy and two females left first come first serve AKC dogs..
Uk bloodline AKC registered French bulldog puppies. 2 boys 1 girl . Parents are both arou..
Four month old fluffy frenchies who are looking for their forever home. AKC registered an..
I am asking for the price I paid for him from a family friend. He is gray, 11 months old,..
She is super friendly ,great with kids she is only 10 months old and she is house trained..
hi, this is Kobe! He is from NYC so please live around there. Kobe loves people, other do..
Hershey was born on April 9th,2020. Hershey is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. B..
Gunner was born on April 9th,2020. Gunner is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. Bot..
Four month old fluffy frenchies who are looking for their forever home. AKC registered an..
Bailey was born on April 9th,2020. Bailey is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. Bot..
Jameson was born on April 9th,2020. Jameson is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. B..
Popeye was born on April 9th,2020. Popeye is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. Bot..
Alfalfa was born on April 9th,2020. Alfalfa is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. B..
Hi, this sweet boy's name is S'mores. He's 5 weeks old. He'll be available starting Decem..
She was born on April 9th,2020. She is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. Both pare..
Darla was born on April 9th,2020. Darla is from a litter of 6 Males &3 Females. Both ..
She was born on April 9th,2020. She is from a litter of 9 Red-nose XL Pit-bull puppies.6 ..
April 9th,2020, 9 Red-nose XL Pit-bull puppies were born in Brooklyn, NY. 6 Males &3 ..
French Bulldog Puppies for Sale Born December 3, 2024, we have 4 girls and 2 boys ..
She is a blue nose and red nose pit she was born on 8/20/19 she ad her first shot she is ..
Billie Jean is 1 year old and was born on December 13, 2019. She has a beautiful personal..
Titan is a3 year old male pitbul. My dad doesn’t have time for him so I decided I’d f..
I am selling a three month old American red nose pitbull. Friendly and very sweet has cur..
2 Beautiful Pomeranian pups looking for their forever homes. Parents on premises and D..
Her name is Dior. Her Birthday is March 15, this year she turns 1. She is up to date with..
Luna has all of her shots she is 8months. Very playful & sweet..
He is a1 month old pitbull puppy, and is very playful. He is brown and white...
4 month old female bully pups. UKC registered and goes home with papers. Up to date with ..
Puppies are 8 weeks dewormed, first set of shots , very loveable and playful ready to spe..
Beautiful litter of Australian Mountain Doodles looking for their furever home just after..
Boba and Shades had a liter. 4 boys, 2 girls. Ranging from $3k-$6k. All colors seen in pi..
1 female and 2 males. Purbred parents onsite. Traditional tan and black, mom is part colo..