I have 11 beautiful puppies available. Full American pitbull. I have 5 males and 6..
Beautiful baby female with great personality! She is 5 months old with all shots up to da..
Four month old fluffy frenchies who are looking for their forever home. AKC registered an..
If you’re looking for a loyal, loving, and intelligent companion, one of our purebred G..
April 9th,2020, 9 Red-nose XL Pit-bull puppies were born in Brooklyn, NY. 6 Males &3 ..
Meet Violet! She is super affectionate and silly. She was Born September 8th of this year..
This is Teddy! He is so loving and playful.He is definitely the Alpha of his litter. He w..
Meet Tarzan! He is playful and smart and loves to jump around. He was Born September 8th ..
Four month old fluffy frenchies who are looking for their forever home. AKC registered an..
This is Sunny! He is silly and playful. So full of energy. Born September 8th of this yea..
This is Sonder!! He is so playful. Born September 8th of this year. He is a Red-nose XL P..
Meet Silver! He is so playful and affectionate. Born September 8th, 2019. He is a Red-nos..
Robin is a spunky pup. He was born September 8th, 2019, 12. He is a Red-nose XL Pit-bull ..
very loving and active puppy. As one of the fastest ones in the litter theyre often the o..
This is Major. He was born September 8th, 2019. He is a Red-nose XL Pit-bull puppy. If yo..
Meet Foxy. She was born September 8th, 2019. She is a Red-nose XL Pit-bull puppy.If you a..
This is CoCo. She was born September 8th, 2019. She is a Red-nose XL Pit-bull puppy.Inter..
This is Brownie. He was born September 8th, 2019. He is a Red-nose XL Pit-bull puppies. I..
We are being transferred and need to find a loving home for our 9 week old puppy...
September 8th, 2019, 12 Red-nose XL Pit-bull puppies were born in Brooklyn. 9 Male puppie..
She have food , cage, plates , soap , leashe, pads..
September 8th, 2019, 12 Rednose XL PitBull puppies were born in Brooklyn. Puppies are $90..
Our adorable energetic healthy APT pups are the perfect way to supplement your family. Fe..
Looking for a loyal, companion? My beautiful Amerixan Bully puppies are ready to join the..
BEAUTIFUL red and blue nosed pit bull puppies ready to find a new fantastic home .5 boys ..
Diamond is a 5-6 month blue nose she’s beautiful not yet trained.... I love her but for....
Brown with white patches. Big Girl, loves to run around and lots of attention..
Reddish Brown Female. Born February 5th 2019. Super affectionate and lovable...
Hazel is a wonderful personality for families looking for a small to medium dog. Its dad ..
Hi, this sweet boy's name is S'mores. He's 5 weeks old. He'll be available starting Decem..
Hi, this sweet boy's name is Franklin. He's 5 weeks old. He'll be available starting Dece..
Labradoodle Puppies available just in time for Christmas! We take pride in our fur babi..