ABKC 8 week old puppies paperwork in hand all update on shots and deworm the other pictur..
Akc lab puppies born 9/18/24. Will be ready to go at 8 weeks of age. Have had dew claws r..
He is a mini doodle, 1 and 1/2 years old. Very affectionate, well trained, he loves to pl..
I have 1 female and 3 males available now will be 8 weeks old on Tuesday! Beautiful and p..
6 months blue boy, very energetic............................contact for more details......
Bully pups for sale. Mom is purple ribbon American Bully and dad is American Pitbull from..
4 females and 1 tricolor male left. 4weeks old. No papers. Her first litter. Females are ..
ukc and abkc registered, lilac tri, dob 12/27/18,TEXT OR CALL xxx-FOUR86-SEVEN7TWO2..
He is a mini doodle, 1 and 1/2 years old. Very affectionate, well trained, he loves to pl..
8 week old American Bully pups. Mom 65lb red. Dad 100lb blue
Parents on site. First se..
Bully pups will be available soon contact me and we will talk about the pups more pics wi..
Males and females available. UKC papers. Shots and dewormed. Must come to Clarksville, TN..
UKC papered puppies 3 weeks old will be ready the first of February. Merrel 1 chocolate a..
Red Heeler mom and AKC registered Corgi dad about 7weeks old. Winged off mom, healthy, en..
UKC papers. Text 254 3one 7662 for info. Not a breeder. My pets. Looking for a good forev..
We have a beautiful litter of 9 week old American Bully puppies for sale just in time for..
You don't want to miss out on this bloodline!! Puppies are due anyday now. Father, Freddi..
Now accepting deposits, male and female picks available! Just in time for the holidays...
I have small pomskys pups available for Christmas. Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for informat..
Have 3 pups available on the 31st. Abkc registration. Contact me for more info...
No papers pet homes only full American bullys shipping is additional
Sire is also for sa..
She’s healthy 5 weeks old has been dewormed she’s trained pottie trained for the pupp....
Black Tri male American Bully for sale. Puppy is 9x Bulleye. ABKC registered. Mom and Dad..
I have a litter of Siberian Huskies,CKC registered,blue eyes,1st shots,dewormed,parents o..
ABKC pups heavy tri genes. Ears have already been cropped. Pups have been dewormed since ..
have a American bully blue trindle male off MrKrabs he has come back on the market! Thi...
12 Weeks old American Bully Puppies
Has had the first three rounds of vaccinations as ..
Razzor edge bloodlines bully puppies registered pick of the litter male and female 8 week..
Adorable litter of golden retriever puppies males/females,are available for their new hom..
Beautiful 11 week old females. High prey and hunt drive. KNPV blood line. Parents are on ..
Looking for their Fur-ever home. 6 month old AKC registered French bulldogs for $4000 If ..
5 beautiful bernedoodle puppys. 4 boys and 1 girl. They are loyal, loving and will be per..