Amazon Parrot Eggs Prices Double Yellow Head Amazons – $35.00 Yellow Nape Amazons – $35.00 Blue Front Amazon – $35.00 Lilac Crown Amazon – $40.00 Green Cheek Amazon – $45.00 Amazon Parrot Eggs For Sale. We are a registered aviary with a breeding experience of over 14 years. we breed and export over 100 different species of parrots and eggs. we ship both babies and eggs to any accessible area. we employ the latest techniques to produce healthy offspring and fertile Amazon Parrot Eggs. with an output of over 100 eggs per week, we can supply you different species at moderate prices. we also have incubators for sale and for rent. all our eggs and birds are DNA tested before shipment. our hatch ratio 1:1. we ship from 5 eggs to over 1000 eggs, delivery time 2-3 days.Below is the list we have for you. -Black palm cockatoo eggs, -Blue and gold macaw eggs, -Citron cockatoo eggs, -Gang gang cockatoo eggs, -Goffin cockatoo eggs, -Green wing macaw eggs, -Harlequin macaw eggs, -Hyacinth macaw eggs, ?-Major Mitchell cockatoo eggs, -Rose breasted cockatoo eggs, -Scarlet macaw eggs, -Umbrella Cockatoo eggs, -Gallah Cockatoo eggs, -Scarlet Macaw eggs, -Sollomons Island Eclectus eggs, -Congo African Grey parrot eggs