8 weeks old / puppy shots and paperwork
4 females 3 males
Mom and dad on site both regi..
Beautiful AKC Black Lab Female pup born 08/28
13X Grand champion bloodline.
Looking for..
You’ll have to take him for his first round of shots. He is purebred. I have parents on..
Call xxx xxx xxx2 for more information. Located in xxxx. Best basenjis around...
I currently have 8 American Akita puppies available in Laredo Texas. 4 males and 4 female..
4 male Akita puppies for sale. 8 weeks old ready to rehome. Text me xxx-xxx-xxxx
xxx xxx xxx9 contact if interested. We have 4 beautiful pups up for rehoming at $1300.00..
He's almost five months old he acts good plays smart he can sit and spin..
You’ll have to take him for his first round of shots. He is purebred. I have parents on..
We have two females (black, white coat) and 1 male (brown, black, white brindle)
First r..
Pyro is a 8month old American just she’s a jumper witch can just be fixed with training..
Meet Presley, he is 10 weeks old. He is a sweet baby. Warm and fuzzy like a teddy bear. A..
Pure bred American Akita. Female. Black with white tip paws. 6 months old. Full of love a..
They were November 5th…they’ll have their first round of shots and dewormer and vet c..
She needs a new home. Me and my boyfriend are always working and she is always alone. She..
Two Teacup Maltese Puppies Needs a New Family.(xxx) xxx-xxx2
Gorgeous Teacup Maltese p..
Gorgeously purebred Akitas. AKC certified and registered. Champion bloodlines. First set ..
American Akita females PureBred . American Akita 2 more females and 5 musicians with top ..
3 beautiful male yorkie pups left for rehoming. Please message me if interested..
We have a3 month old pure bread akita puppy looking for a new home she is all white we be..
AKITA October He was 1 year old. He weighs 100 pounds now. He is neutered, Micro- chipped..
Puppies have great marking DOB November 16 2021 if interest. you can contact me xxxxxxxxx..
Our govery healthy, playful & friendly with other pets & kids. They are all vet c..
Puppies are 8 weeks dewormed, first set of shots , very loveable and playful ready to spe..
I have 4 akitas 7 weeks old
Very smart easy to train
Family orietated..
Hello I have AKC Akita puppies for sale!!! They are 8 weeks and 3 days old. Very healthy,..
Pyro is a 7month old purebred Akita she’s is AKC registered and has papers she’s a sw..
Forest is a 14 month of purebred Akita she is intact but has no papers she’s a loving g..
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
We have 4 AKC registered male miniature dachshund that's looking for their furever homes...
Direct Serbian import rottweiler. Foundational female from the top xxxxxxxxxx.xx include ..
I have a 1yr old male, all black australian shepherd, fixed, chipped and up to date on sh..